Buster Harry – 24-4582

8/27 Update:
Hi. It’s Harry again just letting you know how I am getting along.
Last week was AMAZING I spent the week at Camp (Mom & Dad called it boarding while they were away) There were so many other dogs to play with of all shapes and sizes. Sometimes I got overwhelmed with it and went back to my room but mostly I just ran and played. It was fun but I was so tired when Dad came to pick me up, I slept like a baby, snoring and all. I knew he was coming back for me as he had told me lots of times not to worry and that he would be back for me in a week.
Now I am back at my foster home and relaxing. Had a pup cup today and was given some new chewable bones and treats.  They put a box by the big bed so I can use it to climb up and we all sleep together (I feel really safe at the bottom of the giant bed).
My skin is continuing to improve. My tail and back have nearly completely filled in and the same with the pressure points on my legs as I took all my meds as directed. Mom says I am such a handsome, healthy little man. I have learnt – stay, sit and lie down. I only lie down so they can rub my belly haha.
I love to chase flying insects, the shadows of light, and my own shadow sometimes on the ground outside for ages, but I haven’t managed to catch one yet!!
Much as I love it here, It is fun but nothing beats a forever home.Emoji
8/16  Update:
Week 2 in the bag – Okay I have a lot to report as I have had a busy week full of new and exciting adventures. Firstly I have settled upon being called Harry. Even though my records say Buster nobody calls me that and it is from a past life I have now moved on from. New beginning = new name = HARRY. Last week I headed off to the spa for some ‘treatments’! I am now a little lighter and minus a couple of needless items that were getting in the way. All healed up and good now. I am also taking some medication with my food, so my skin doesn’t itch as much now, and my fur is coming back strong. In a few days I will be back to the 100% handsome boy I was meant to be.
My foster parents give lots of attention, cuddles and great homemade food 3 times a day. Delicious. I dont let them out of my sight, following them from room to room always ready for another cuddle. They let me sleep on the bed with them and I am sleeping like a champ. Brilliant.  Feeling way more energetic, relaxed and comfortable now and yesterday I went to the daycare to run and play with lots of other dogs. There were all sorts there and I loved it. Can’t wait to go back. My foster folks give me lots of attention and belly rubs (well I do roll on my back and encourage it) and they say I am getting much better at “sit” and “stay” but they do say it a lot!!!
Apparently, I still need some routine and to understand who is boss but I’m willing to put in the work to be the best dog, ready for when my new life and forever home comes along. It’s been a really confusing time as I have been to lots of places and will be staying at the doggie boarding next week. My foster parents will come back and get me though (they have told me again and again) so I can just enjoy my week at camp knowing I will be safe and sound again afterwards. I really would like a forever home and family so I can give them all this love I have.
Lots of kisses, tail wags, and butt wiggles
Harry x
8/7 Update:
Handsome Buster here. I’ve been with the folks now for a week and it’s not bad! 2 squares a day, some tasty sardines for lunch and a brisk walk in the evenings. Don’t ask for much and I’m pretty mellow hanging around the house. I like lying by the front door and I really like the man in the house.  No accidents, don’t like chewing stuff and I much prefer being inside. Not sure what those toy things are yet but I’m still relaxing for now. I loved seeing the lake and the pool but not much interested in the water. I overheard them saying I’m off for a luxury spa staycation for a few days to get my ducks in a row, or maybe it was nuts in a bow or something like that. Anyway when I get back I should feel like a dog with two tails – well that’d be interesting!  Bye for now!


7/31 – Please welcome Buster to the rescue. More info to come on this handsome boy once he settles into his foster home.