
There are numerous ways to help the Blue Ridge Boxers! We desperately need help with funds to continue saving lives. To date, we’ve successfully helped to save over 4,500 dogs, and it is all thanks to help from supporters like YOU! Blue Ridge Boxer Rescue is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation goes directly to the care of our rescued Boxers and is tax deductible. We take pride in holding to our standards of never refusing a dog for medical reasons; therefore we need all the help we can get for the health of our rescued dogs. Over 60% of the dogs rescued over the last 5 years needed heartworm treatment. This treatment alone is a minimum of $250 per dog, not to mention other illnesses, injuries, and the standard vaccines and spay/neuter surgeries. Our vet bills account for nearly 90% of our annual expenses. Can you help us?
Donate to BRBR by Shopping
Thank you for your support over the years while shopping AmazonSmile for Blue Ridge Boxer Rescue. Unfortunately, AmazonSmile is closing Feb. 20. Fortunately, we are already set up with a great alternative! Join iGive today (for free) via this link: When you login & shop their 2,000+ stores (think Chewy, Walmart, Expedia and so many more), we’ll earn donations at least TWICE what we earned through AmazonSmile. The average donation through an iGive store is about 3%, with some offering 25% or higher! Register with iGive
Make it all automatic by installing the iGive button. One iGive participant said, “The iGive Button does it all for me! I have the iGive button on all of my browsers so I don’t have to “think” about it… it just tells me if I am on a partner site and asks me to confirm that I want to give. If you don’t already have the button (the little dandelion seed next to your browser), please consider downloading this option. It makes donating even easier so you never miss an opportunity.” Get it here:
Please consider visiting our Amazon wish list and purchasing something for our foster dogs. It gets very expensive fostering dogs and providing leashes, shampoo, dog beds, toys and other doggy accessories for our fosters. A lot of these items come out of pocket of our volunteers. Please show your support and send a foster something they can really use and enjoy. Thank you on behalf of our foster dogs!! BRBR Amazon Wishlist
We also have Chewy wish list if you would like to purchase something for our foster dogs. If you register for iGive also, BRBR will receive a percentage donation in addition to the items you generously provide. Thank you on behalf of our foster dogs!! BRBR Chewy Wishlist