10/30 – From Sweet Pea’s Foster Home: We have had Sweet Pea for only a week now and she has already made tremendous progress in settling down and learning some house manners. She still likes to jump up on people when she is very excited, but she is just so excited for some love. She has learned that counter surfing is not allowed. She is a young dog with boxer energy and has enjoyed getting to play with our resident boxer, even though he is more than twice her size. She loves to run circles outside, so she will need a house with a yard. When I took her to the vet to be spayed she was interested in the other dogs there but did a good job staying by my side and not barking or acting crazy. She is potty-trained, sleeps quietly in her crate at night, and already knows sit and lay down (but will only do so for a treat). She has a serious boxer underbite, and her tongue is often sticking out which is the cutest thing! She is such a tiny but sweet dog, she will be a great match for a family that can offer her consistency and lots of love.