Cricket- 2024

9/15 – Cricket continues to do well. She was spayed this past Tuesday, vaccinated, and heartworm tested. She is recovering well from her spay and is heartworm-negative!! The vet thinks Cricket is around 2 years old, not 5 as originally estimated   This little girl is going to be a great addition to someone’s family.

9/6 – Please welcome Cricket to the rescue!! Cricket is estimated to be about 5 years old, she’s just shy of 50 lbs, and only needs to gain a little weight. She does have a UTI, and needs to be spayed. Her foster home said she crates without a peep and hasn’t had any accidents in the house, even with the UTI.👏🏻 She walks well in the leash and gets excited when she sees the leashes come out…that nub goes a million mph!! She has been great with the resident females, and foster mom says she can already tell Cricket is going to make a family very happy!